Hamilton lost a hard fight to Zeeland East in 3 sets, scores being 25-27 first set , 17-25 second set ending with a score of 20-25. Throughout the game they had 92 attempted kills and 29 of them were successful kills. Junior middle hitter Kyra Kleinheksel had 11 kills which was the most out of the team as well as 25 attempted kills. Senior right side hitter Sydney Wedeven and junior outside hitter Maddie Jamrog had the next highest number of kills at 5. Overall the team had 29 point winning kills. With a 31.5% kill rate. Sophomore Joelle Boeskool had the most aces for the team with a total of 3 throughout the game. The team had a total of 5 aces throughout the game. The team had an overall 1.83 rating on serving with senior libero Leah blood having the most at 2.11%.
Hamilton Volleyball Loses to Zeeland East
Updated: Jan 14, 2022